Objects, Art & Furniture, Antique to Modern and Folk to Formal

In-House Letterpress Stationery and Custom Printing

MemoryWare Coffee Pot

Wonderful piece of memoryware built on the body of a pressed metal (tin?) coffee pot.

I especially love examples of this craft that at first appear random assemblages only to gradually reveal their true planned nature when scrutinized more closely.

Included are the expected bolts and, screws and broken bits of fashion. But also present are a very large number of peach pits, the broken bowl of a clay pipe where the knob should be, a 19th-century fork with broken tines, a pressed-metal spoon, a stretched out clock spring, a US Civil War uniform button (Maryland) and the head of a “Frozen Charlotte” propped precisely where the spout should open.



8-1/4" tall


Wear and condition as expected with age.


10% of all in-store and online sales will be directed toward local not-for-profits. Details here.
