Objects, Art & Furniture, Antique to Modern and Folk to Formal

In-House Letterpress Stationery and Custom Printing

Miniature Folk Art Building

Offered is this exquisitely executed miniature folk art building model of a late Victorian or turn of the 20th-century farm house.

This practice of making miniature buildings and houses seems to have begun in the late 19th century and continued into the 1950s. They’re discoveries also seem to be most heavily concentrated in the North East and Mid-West.

This miniature is constructed with pieces of wooden crate material as suggested by the tail end of a script letter in flat black paint on the underside of the house and is held together entirely with small square nails. All of the windows are glass and there is a single lace curtain remaining.

The level of detail seen in this model (the fretwork porch railings, drops along the porch overhang, flares on chimney tops, faceted panels beneath the bay window, and eaves windows) qualifies it as exceptional.

Purportedly from the Atlantic City area of New Jersey.


11 w x 18-1/2 d x 15-1/4 h




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