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Stone Napoleon

Haunting, extremely weathered, nineteenth century carved marble bust of Napoleon wearing a bicorne hat and high-collared coat. The fine details have been washed away by the decades this piece must have spent in the weather of upstate New York. What remains are only suggestions at what the original form must have been… far more interesting and beautiful than if it were still “perfect”.

The stone has weathered in such a way that has left the veins within the marble raised in a rather haunting manner. And, at some point in its life, this piece has broken and reconstructed (possibly from freezing as it seems most of the breaks are along more porous veins). Cracks are clearly visible and only add to the allure. There is a chip to the tip of his nose… among other places.


13-1/2 inches


Wear and condition as expected with age.


10% of all in-store and online sales will be directed toward local not-for-profits. Details here.
